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Illustration app using only circle intersections
Using a circle intersection graph to create a simple illustration app that can be used to create art from circles.
Written February 14, 2020 · Updated March 16, 2024
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Circle intersections

While stumbling around Reddit I came across a post that showed a human face made from circles. It sparked an interest of a simple web application to draw circles and fill the intersection areas to see what else could be created.

While investigating I also came across a designer called Dorota Pankowsa who created a series of animals made from 13 circles that was originally inspired from the Twitter logo that was made from 13 circles (!!! Fig 404 !!!)

Fig. - Twitter logo made from circles

I have written in detail about a novel approach to calculating the intersection areas of circles in my 'Circle intersections with graph data structures' project.


Hopefully the application you see on this page is self-explanatory, but here are some instructions to get you started:

  • The controls at the top allow you to toggle between drawing, filling and viewing modes. There are also controls to start a new drawing, and save the current drawing as an image or JSON data.
  • In drawing mode, click and drag to draw a circle. You can also duplicate and remove circles using the toolbar when a circle is selected.
  • Place your cursor at the edge of a circle to resize it.
  • There are 'Undo' and 'Redo' controls to help you if you make a mistake.
  • In fill mode, click on the intersection areas to fill them with a color. You can apply the foreground or background color to the intersection areas by clicking multiple times to toggle between the two colors. A third click will remove the fill.
  • Check out the gallery for some examples of what can be created, including some of the animals from Dorota Pankowsa's series.
Illustration app using only circle intersections
Using a circle intersection graph to create a simple illustration app that can be used to create art from circles.
Written February 14, 2020 · Updated March 16, 2024

Circle intersections

While stumbling around Reddit I came across a post that showed a human face made from circles. It sparked an interest of a simple web application to draw circles and fill the intersection areas to see what else could be created.

While investigating I also came across a designer called Dorota Pankowsa who created a series of animals made from 13 circles that was originally inspired from the Twitter logo that was made from 13 circles (!!! Fig 404 !!!)

Fig. - Twitter logo made from circles

I have written in detail about a novel approach to calculating the intersection areas of circles in my 'Circle intersections with graph data structures' project.


Hopefully the application you see on this page is self-explanatory, but here are some instructions to get you started:

  • The controls at the top allow you to toggle between drawing, filling and viewing modes. There are also controls to start a new drawing, and save the current drawing as an image or JSON data.
  • In drawing mode, click and drag to draw a circle. You can also duplicate and remove circles using the toolbar when a circle is selected.
  • Place your cursor at the edge of a circle to resize it.
  • There are 'Undo' and 'Redo' controls to help you if you make a mistake.
  • In fill mode, click on the intersection areas to fill them with a color. You can apply the foreground or background color to the intersection areas by clicking multiple times to toggle between the two colors. A third click will remove the fill.
  • Check out the gallery for some examples of what can be created, including some of the animals from Dorota Pankowsa's series.
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